King Kong Cardio Pak combines several top selling Youngevity®
products created to provide foundation nutrition plus targeted
support for cardiovascular health.* Each Pak contains Contains:
2 Ultimate Classic®, 1 Ultimate Daily®, 2 Ultimate E.F.A.™, and
2 Ultimate Cardio Fx™. See individual products for details.
Ultimate™ Classic®
Supplement Facts

Ultimate™ Daily -
Supplement Facts

Ultimate™ Cardio Fx™ -
Supplement Facts

Ultimate™ EFA -
Supplement Facts
Dr Wallach - Why You Should Supplement? There are 90 nutrients essential to human health. A common recommendation made by
most medical doctors is that in order to get all
the nutrients necessary to maintain health you
must, on a daily basis, eat food from each of
the four basic food groups. Dr. Joel Wallach
challenges this belief and highlights the
reasons why it is practically impossible to get
all the nutrients necessary to achieve and
maintain optimal health by eating food from the
four food groups.
Dr. Wallach's Majestic Earth Ultimate Classic®
As the name implies, this is the ULTIMATE in nutrition. With
today's active lifestyle, almost all of us are lacking
essential nutrients such as minerals, vitamins, and amino
acids. Majestic Earth ® Ultimate Classic ® is so loaded with
up to 77 minerals and other nutrients such as vitamins,
amino acids, bioflavonoid, and grape seed extract. 32 oz.
Ultimate E.F.A.® Softgels
EFA's (essential fatty acids) are vital to good health. Many
people have heard about how the Eskimos have never suffered
from heart disease. This is attributed to EFA's and various
trace minerals. This vital supplement has also been known to
reduce cholesterol. The perfect supplement for vegetarians
or anyone wanting to keep their cholesterol in check. 60
Ultimate Daily®
Designed as a total nutritional
supplement - vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants
and herbal daily formula. Broad spectrum ingredients
balanced to enhance the circulatory system while meeting all
of your body's known vitamin and mineral needs. Ultimate™
Daily™ contains the vitamins and minerals you need for
solid, foundation nutrition, plus key nutrients to support
cardiovascular, immune and nervous system health.
Ultimate Cardio Fx 60 Capsules
Ultimate Cardio FX was developed for nutritional
supplementation of the cardiovascular system. An excellent
product for those with an active lifestyle or are concerned
about supporting their heart and cardio system with
nutrients such as Garlic, Ginko, Hawthorne Berry, coenzyme
Q10, and
much more.
This ultimate formulation is so complete and convenient it
contains a full nutritional supply of vitamins, minerals,
herbs, and antioxidants the body needs. This formula helps
build a healthy body..